Hello Lesbians and Friends.

I (Alex Banx) am currently working on a lesbian-centric app focused on lesbian empowerment and community building; LEZZEDin is here to help take the stigma away from “lesbian”.

Lesbians deserve to be acknowledged without being aligned with hateful stereotypes and ancient clichés. We are cis, trans, non-binary, and beyond and we are we loved.

In the meantime, I’ve dropped some lesbionic merch in the LEZZEDin Etsy store to try to help cover some of the costs of app building. Links below.


LEZZEDin is a Lesbian Networking app.

LEZZEDin is a LESBIAN Friending app.

LEZZEDin is a LESBIAN Events app.

LEZZEDin is a LESBIAN Love app.

LEZZEDin is a LESBIAN Joy app.


The LEZZEDin App launches 2024.

While we continue to work on building LEZZEDin, the Lesbian App, you can help with some of the app building fees by supporting the LEZZEDin Etsy shop filled with lesbionic fashion and accessories.

New items added often. (Currently listings: 23)

All items are SHIPPED FREE (US)!

All items are SHIPPED FREE (US)!

All items are SHIPPED FREE (US)!

“Lesbians are delicious!”

Alex Banx from Los Angeles

Blog at WordPress.com.